Monday, January 17, 2011

biproducts are out.

Well, my secret friend, I have a problem.
I bore easy. I've noticed it more and more. I'll meet people and we'll be talking all the time and I am quite excited to do so. And then....a couple weeks pass and I dont even feel the need to say hello to them anymore. They bore me. The things they talk about are predictable and I can plan out everything that will happen...before it happens. I just, I cant stand it. Maybe if I would hang out in person with them on a daily basis, it would be different. But, we're not. If they cant hold my attention this way for more than two weeks, what makes me want to waste my time and meet for a coffee? It's pretty ridiculous. Is there nobody out there that can hold my attention for more than a week????? Not get on my nerves, and irritate me after two weeks??
I dont understand.
Do I have a problem with commitment and that is why Im ducking out early? Am I even ducking out early...or are they really that flat of characters. I would like some depth. Is it so hard to find .... depth? Interests? Spark?

The more people I meet, the more I realize how boring people are.
Dont even get me started on the new hell of high school I have entered into at work. >< Freaking bitches...
Moving on. I have a job, that is the bright side. I dont care what they do to me there, Im just going to work and get my paycheck. That way I can get to my goal! :D I want to shape up myself by May.
A total redo...
May 2011. Then Im going to live. :)


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