Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I like where you sleep, when you sleep next to me.

Sweet. :) First time in two weeks I get the house to myself. There has always been someone here. But don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the people I live with, but I also really like just relaxing on the couch in sweats and a cup of coffee. :) I'm also very happy knowing that I have food in the house. Shopping is great, and I actually like it. It's a great feeling knowing I went out and got a house full of food. I had a breakdown a while ago with Bradley about how since moving to Canada my nutrition has gone down. I have lost so much energy compared to what I used to have...but I've also not eaten the amount of junk I used to...which is the brighter side to the darkness. :) It's pretty awesome...I have to say. Having cut veggies in the fridge, cheeses, salad things...it's just delightful! This, honestly, is the first time I have actually felt like an adult. Moved out. Own food. Staying afloat. Great feeling. :)

So...I was driving Chloe home from work last night...it was only around nine. Dropped her off in Dean Park then was on my way back, and as I went to turn off on the exit, I heard what seemed to be an explosion. My heart about jumped out of my chest. I have been scared since it started to have problems that the engine would blow up on me. I thought this is what happened. So I tried my best to get the car to the gas station, and I made it. Looking under the hood proved that it was yet another problem with my alternator! Third time! My car has been going through so many problems ever since I went to that Lake for Grad camping. It's very frustrating, and I really dont want to put more money into it. I swear we have soaked more money into this thing than we actually paid to get it. It's ridiculous! I dont know what I am going to do about it.

I'm pretty sure my pay has again increased. :) I just got promoted to management, it's pretty exciting! I tried the shirts on though, and they didn't fit. It was very embarrassing because I actually had to go to Steve and ask for another size. He wouldn't just let it be that it didn't fit, he had to know why. So, awkwardly, I had to explain to him that the shirts did not fit because of my upper half. Not cool. They went through all the sizes for manager shirts, and left with ordering one of my size. I feel embarrassed and annoyed. I still have the name tag though, and dont need to wear a hat anymore. :) Pretty cool. And! I get paid breaks. :) Pretty awesome.

This incredibly ridiculous show is on right now, and I cant stop laughing at it! :p

I was talking to Brad this morning. He is scheduled to leave the 11th of October. His flight for that day, however, is more expensive than the last time he looked. He cant afford it. So, what is he to do? We talked a little bit and he jokingly said that if he couldn't get this flight, he'd have to stay till New Years. :D That made me happier than I can actually describe to you. If he stayed that long, I would get Thanksgiving with him, Halloween, AND Christmas! That would be the most amazing thing ever! It is so great to actually wake up with him, to continue doing that until Christmas!? Dear god. It would be a dream! Honestly though, I am scared. What happens if something happens to break us up, and then he cant leave? I would feel so horrible. He would be stuck in a place where the only reason he stayed, just left him. Not cool. Then, my roomie asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Totally threw me off guard. Christmas in 80 days away, or so. I haven't even started to think about it! I was trying to think of things, and then Brad suggested a plane ticket to go see him if he was gone back by then. :) I would really like that. But, I really wouldn't if when I got back to see him, he had another girlfriend he was banging. Because, let's face it, my man is pretty desirable. :) Least, I think he is. I would die inside if I got the chance to see him after he left, and he was with someone else. :(

I just remembered I have to call a place about a mirror. Bye!


  1. I'm so glad life is going perty great for you! :D
    & that you're finally enjoying living on your own!
    We need to hangout more <3. I miss youuu! xox
    Muchos love <3. peaaaaaaceoutt.


  2. Song by Hellogoodbye!! Gosh I love that song. I hope he gets to stay for tht long babes..

  3. I love the song. :) It's the one we listened to driving you home! <3

    Im glad life is starting to get better...thanks for the walk. :)
