Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nibbles....the warrior cat!

I really fucking hate bad service areas! It's taken me at least 20 minutes between texts to talk to Brad. And we both get so confused. Im so mad. Ugh.
I hate the cat when she gets her cold feet all over me.
I hate how the garbage is starting to smell because WE DONT HAVE A GARBAGE CAN!
I hate missing him.

I love how I can still hear his voice in my head.
I love how the kitty is becoming a fighter. :p
I love how comfy my bed is and how easy I can fall asleep now. :)

I really wish my room mate would clean up her stuff and put her bed away.
I really wish I went with him.
I really wish I didnt have to work at 8 tomorrow. Fuck.
I really wish I could phone where ever I wanted, for free! :D
I really wish I made more money.

I need a break.
I need a kiss.
I need a back rub.
I need a friend to vent to...without it seeming like I only talk about him.
I need to take a shower.

Peace. :)


  1. I love reading about u ranting about your roommates :P

    Sucks tht u miss ur man so much.. U must love him a lot

    Man oh man my blogs seem lame compared to urs. check dem out :P

  2. LOL thanks. I wish I never had to rant about them. :(

    I miss him like fucking mad man...I love him so much. :( He is my everything.

    I do lol! All the time. :) And no, theyre not lame!

  3. Dudue you have a cat? Thanks for telling me D;

  4. I love reading your blogs.
    They're always so interesting, and up-to-date.
    And I'm always willing to lend an ear. :)
    Even if it's only to talk about how you miss him so much. I don't mind. <3

    and those darned room mates! Hasn't Roscoe gotten you that garbage can yet? =P lol ^^ Anyways, we should hangout soon. I miss you! xO

    -Rockstar. <3

  5. Hayle: Yeah, it's not mine. She's my room mates...that she brought home without asking. :/

    Rosie: Yea we do need to hang out. :) I dont work Thursday, wanna chill then?
    Thanks about the blog liking...ness. :D It means a lot that you are willing to hear me just rant about my boy. <3
