Thursday, October 1, 2009

Full Plate.

So now I' m actually sitting here and writing a blog at the end of the day. :) Go me.

Today wasn't the most exciting day, but it wasn't dull either. Woke this morning, like always, next to my amazing boyfriend. Early. Pretty early. Pretty much, right after my room mate left. He seems to hold off everything until she leaves. Then bam! He goes in. Dives in for the kill and pulls me on over to him. It's cute really, him trying to control everything until the door closes. At least, I find it cute.
Then I made breakfast. It's a pretty radical feeling to make someone breakfast. Him and I both haven't been eating the best since we moved to BC. Him only 7 months, but I haven't for 5 years. So, it was very refreshing to actually have a stomach full of good food in the morning. He said so also. :) I remember when we first got together he never ate breakfast, because it made him sick. But now, he said he feels refreshed and it's great. I am happy that we're getting better. I know before him and I both felt weak and weary when we weren't eating right. I actually went days without food...and it was very normal for me. Lots my friends dont know bout my family life.

So this guy is pissing me off very much. I used to be friends with him, back when I was insecure about myself. Before I knew what I deserved, and how good I actually was. He would give me up building things, make me feel better. But now, he is pathetic. I wont talk to him because he is so ridiculously childish. All he will do is complain about his life and how I am not there. Because I am not there, he has attached himself to my sister. Who listens, but doesn't want to. He whines to her now. All the time. He wont leave her alone, and now he is trying to hit on her. If I hear of him doing this again, I will, to say the least, rip him a new one. Now, trying to be subtle, he is posting his status as things about "two faced friends" which obviously are me. Why do I think this? Because I just told him to shut up when he tried to whine to me. Pathetic. I am tired of it, and I am not going to let him continue this.

So I got promoted recently. :D Super excited! Went to my very first manager's meeting today. :) I felt a little awkward, however, because I didn't know a lot of what they were talking about. But I will learn. :) I know I will. It was cool though, because a lot of the other managers are starting to be more of my friends, rather than the people I look up to. It is pretty cool to know things now, things I didnt know when I was a crew. It's kind of fun. Carol is back! I missed her. She went over to Mt. Newton because her knee was so hurt and acting up and she couldn't move or run around. By going there, she could sit and take orders, and not injure her knee more. She is pretty awesome, as well as the others who are there of course. :D John and Pat are awesome, and so was Michelle when she was there. Jas is acting really weird since the thing happened with Evan, but it's all working out. Huzzah!

Nothing to rant about today, except how I have no money. It sucks, but I have food.

So....I guess that is everything.


  1. Hoo boy. Who's this guy who's whining and trying to latch?
    Anyone who messes with you or your sisters or family has ME to deal with as well! (and together, we're a force to be reckoned with!) =D


  2. He isnt even worth mentioning again. Ugh. We will be a force to be reckoned with! :D :D
